“When I first saw the camera I felt like the design was kinda perfect. A Cube of Love.”
Using a Dora Goodman camera for me means; to tickling the maximum out of the simple. I like the feeling and the look so much, fusion old with new is just great. Everyone of these cameras will show its own look sooner or later. You are simply inclined to evolve your camera and adapt it to your needs, just as you push your output further. A camera that grows with you, not just by changing a lens.
Marcel Preuss, Germany
“When I first saw the camera I felt like the design was kinda perfect. A Cube of Love.”
Marcel Preuss, Germany
“The experience of shooting and developing photographs from a camera that you have built yourself is incredibly satisfying!”
As a professional photographer, I spend most of my working time on a digital platform, but I shoot a lot of film for personal and fine-art projects. I first became aware of Dora Goodman a few years ago, and was intrigued about the concept of 3D printed cameras. So, I bought a Goodman Zone back in 2019 because I wanted a 6×7 medium format system that was lightweight, affordable and modular. I loved the build and assembly process, adding my own Mamiya lens, film back and viewfinder. Once I started shooting with the Zone, I quickly fell in love with the camera – it’s really rewarding to use and the results were more than I hoped for in terms of image quality.
I was keen to try the 120 Goodman Scura as well and based on my experience with the Zone, I was confident that the Scura would be every bit as good – I wasn’t disappointed – I adore this little camera, and it’s always in my kit bag. The curved film plane design is really clever and works well to minimise edge distortion and vignetting. I highly recommend Goodman Cameras to anyone who wants an experience whereby they feel involved and immersed in every stage of the photographic process, from building and assembly through to producing gorgeous prints.
Harvey Mills, United Kingdom
“The experience of shooting and developing photographs from a camera that you have built yourself is incredibly satisfying!”
Harvey Mills, United Kingdom
“The Goodman Zone is an amazing camera that lets you take control of all the aspects of the creative process of photography.”
Personally, my main drive for shooting film is the thrill that you get after seeing the results that you carefully planned and executed, and that you worked so hard for. The Goodman Zone takes that thrill to the next level! Meticulously selecting the composition, deciding the focus, setting the exposure parameters, and finally shooting; the process with the Goodman Zone is as simple as with any other mechanical film camera. However, unlike other cameras, you are using something you assembled and personalized to your liking, not only aesthetically speaking, but also to the arrangement and types of accessories that you are more comfortable with. When i first started with the Goodman Zone, I came for its gorgeous design and its low price, but stayed for its personalization potential, its ease of use and Dora Goodman’s nice and welcoming community.
All of these photos were taken with the Goodman Zone camera, with a Mamiya-Sekor 65mm f6.3 lens, the Mamiya RB67 PRO-S film back with 3d-printed 35mm adapters, the Mamiya Press 65mm finder, and a Elega mechanical rangefinder for zone focusing. The film used was Kodak Kodacolor / Colorplus 200, self-developed and self-scanned.
Andrés Osorio Salazar, Japan
“The Goodman Zone is an amazing camera that lets you take control of all the aspects of the creative process of photography.”
Andrés Osorio Salazar, Japan
“The Scura 120 has done a marvelous job of distinguishing itself from that crowd”
Zeb Andrews, USA
“The Scura 120 has done a marvelous job of distinguishing itself from that crowd”
Zeb Andrews, USA
“The Zone is so well designed that most pros need to go to Dora Goodman. It’s sure companion for future trips!”
I took the Zone with me on a trip north to the baltic sea around Rostock/Germany to put it through its paces and shoot the first few rolls of film. Shooting with it was very smooth, and so was changing the rolls from the printed 6×6 magazine. Compared to my other medium format cameras (such as the brick-like kiev88), it is very light too! Most people who approached me wanted to know more about this beautiful camera that I was holding and were stunned when I told them that I myself had 3d printed it at home! When I received the scans, I didn’t expect much, to be perfectly honest. I thought most of them would be out of focus anyway and have terrible light leaks, but I was pleasantly surprised to get extremely sharp images back with no artifacts at all. Some credit goes to the nice sharp blue dot Mamiya Press lens, of course, but the Zone is so well designed that most props need to go to Dora Goodman for this. It’s a sure companion for future trips.
Tobias Staerk, Germany
“The Zone is so well designed that most pros need to go to Dora Goodman. It’s sure companion for future trips!”
Tobias Staerk, Germany
“Cool design, a great experience overall.”
Daniel Pecsi, Hungary
“Cool design, a great experience overall.”
Daniel Pecsi, Hungary
“I always liked the special aesthetic all of the Goodman cameras have. Their lines are distinctively unique and each camera is a small piece of art”
I took much time with my Zone. If you wanted, you could assemble it very quickly in about a 15 minute timespan and I did just that to understand how all the pieces came together. However, having the possibility to make a camera unique, I wanted to make it unique. It should become my own personal masterpiece. While every screw and nut you need is provided within the package sourcing just the right ones to match my aesthetic became part of the journey.
While the first roll of film asked for some light leaks to be fixed, the second roll already became a great success. Never having done zone focusing or any medium format work before, the results came as pleasant surprises from a much more lightweight camera than the non-printed alternatives, with the best part being I can still change it and adapt it to my needs. After a year into the journey of this camera, I am inclined to say it may never end!
Simone Hirmer, Germany
“I always liked the special aesthetic all of the Goodman cameras have. Their lines are distinctively unique and each camera is a small piece of art”
Simone Hirmer, Germany
“The camera is very easy to use and the fact that you can modulate it to accommodate another lens is really great”
Bought the Dora Goodman 6×12 back in May 2021, I was already interested by their concept of 3D printed modular cameras so when I saw the 6×12 on the website I decided to pull the trigger and buy it. I have to say that I was very pleased with my purchases, the camera is very easy to use and the fact that you can modulate it to accommodate another lens is really great, so far I tried the Schneider 47mm super angulon and a Nikon 90mm on it. Would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a very light 6×12 camera, with the advantage to accommodate a fresnel glass to focus in case you want to be accurate.
Nicolas Godingen, France
“The camera is very easy to use and the fact that you can modulate it to accommodate another lens is really great”
Nicolas Godingen, France
“I first heard of the Goodman Zone shortly after getting into film photography and I instantly wanted to try it out, as it seemed to be the best way to start shooting medium format!”
So I really was amazed when I could get mine built with a friend. I equipped it with the lens taken from an old foldable camera (so cheap!) and directly took it on a trip.
Shooting square or 6×7 with the Zone was really inspiring, but I always was drawn to the panoramic shots that -extremely- expensive cameras such as the Xpan offer, so I converted my magazine into a 35mm back (possible thanks to the two advance knobs: no need for a dark bag to roll the film back into the canister). That is where this design is amazing: it is thought for being used in a specific way, while having just the right solutions to let room for exploration and experimentation!
Gabin Billion
“I first heard of the Goodman Zone shortly after getting into film photography and I instantly wanted to try it out, as it seemed to be the best way to start shooting medium format!”
Gabin Billion
“The image quality is incredible, I also really appreciate the compactness and lightness of it. Definitely a good way to enter in the medium format world!”
The Goodman Zone, my new medium format camera?!
Coming from a modern mirrorless camera, I rediscovered analog photography with an old 35mm camera but quickly the desire to upgrade to a medium format was felt. After days of research, I found the Zone to be a good tradeoff between a cheap and old folding camera and the super expensive Fujica, Hasselblad, Mamiya and the whole gang. The image quality compared to my 35mm or even my old folding camera is incredible! I also really appreciate the compactness and the lightness of it. Definitely a good way to enter in the medium format world!
Thomas MoZu
“The image quality is incredible, I also really appreciate the compactness and lightness of it. Definitely a good way to enter in the medium format world!“
Thomas MoZu
The best looking 3D printed medium format camera
Video review from Graham White
“3D printed Cameras?! I have seen a lot of 3D printed Cameras and parts, but the Goodman Zone is by far the best looking out of them all. Created by Dora Goodman, this 3D printed camera is open source to anyone who wants to print or modify the design to their own liking. And now anyone who doesn’t have access to a 3D printer can order one. Created to be a less expensive and custamizable introduction into medium format film photography. “
Experience with the Scura 3D printed pinhole camera
Video review from Doing Film Things
“I recently caved and bought a 3d printed pinhole film camera named “Scura”, produce by Dora Goodman. Here are my initial thoughts about the camera and my experience using it. The camera uses 35mm film. Pinhole cameras are a lot of fun and it was nice to get my hands dirty building this 3d printed model.”
Shooting with Goodman Zone
Video review from New Media Boy
“3D printed my own medium format film camera!? Shooting on CineStill 800t film with my Goodman Zone. I think it is a really fresh experience shooting with something that I had a hand in assembling. Dora has a great community all built around open source camera projects and it’s been a really great experience to be welcomes warmly into it.”
Landscape photography with a 3D printed camera
Video review from CuriousRiz
In this video Mario talks about his experience about the Goodman One camera that he 3D printed himself. He takes it for a spin in his local area, shows us the results and shares his honest opinion about this open source project.

Scura panoramic pinhole camera
Review on 35mmc blog
“I recently built and shot a Goodman Scura 35mm 3D printed pinhole camera. Despite myself, the build went ok, was quite enjoyable, and I actually got a fair bit of pleasure out of shooting the camera too! If you’ve not shot pinhole before, and want to experience some of the creative possibilities it brings, or you’re a more experienced pinholer looking for something a little quirky the Goodman Scura feels like a pretty good option to me! “

The Scura pinhole experience
Review on Emulsive
“One day I came across a post on Facebook by a fellow “pinholer” showing their recently acquired SCURA 35mm panoramic pinhole camera. I was intrigued by the film size and the fact this camera was designed to create 60x25mm panoramic images. The creator, Goodman Lab, also offer a 6×6 SCURA model that works with 120 film, as well as a few other 3D printed photography items.”

The Dora Goodman Zone 3D printed camera
Review was written by Jeremy Mudd, award-winning and published photographer in Dayton, Ohio, who ordered a pre-assembled Goodman Zone from us. Read the whole article for his opinion, and to see great shots done with the 3D printed medium format camera.

A homemade, 3D printed plastic fantastic!
Goodman One review on Emulsive
“Do you remember being a kid and building stuff out of whatever you had lying around? It was difficult at times finding the right materials or the perfect tools. The good part about being a grown-up is that you get to play with tools which are much — MUCH — more fun!”